Monday, February 2, 2009

The Runners


Haiti. Sells masks and other artifacts which she brings from Africa. All she has is this body and her connections to the spirit world, the sea, Africa, SOUND MAN, Brazil. Has nothing and everything, her body, her humanity, and deep love and trust. She is poor and black and a lesbian (knows the power of women and between women). Gives love in the face of hate. Erzulie Danto. Speaks Kreyol.


The Dominican Republic. Sells masks and other artifacts which she brings from Africa. She is a bit insecure, uses her body and charm to sell these objects. Osun, Anaisa, Erzulie Frida. She is deeply connected to RUNNER #1, but moves with some fear, she loves her but could never love her, she fears Africa but is of Africa, she is contradiction, for example, goes to church and visits the botánica. Speaks Spanish.

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